Terms and Conditions

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All terms and conditions are subject to change based upon revision to regulations by the U.S Department of Education; and/or revisions to the policies and procedures of the University of Miami.

Title IV Authorization Information

Federal Title IV financial aid funds, which include Direct loans, will be automatically applied to any eligible pending charges on a student’s account. Eligible charges include tuition, fees, room/board, and other qualified educational expenses.

After eligible charges have been paid, there may be an excess of federal funds. Excess funds may be used to pay other pending University charges (i.e. health insurance fees, parking fees, library fines, etc.) but students must authorize the University to do so.

To authorize the Office of Student Account Services to apply your excess federal funds to any outstanding University charges: 1. Visit your CaneLink account

2. Under the “Finances” section, select “View Student Permission” from the drop-down menu and press Enter

3. Select “Grant Permissions”

4. Carefully review the permissions form and make your selection

Students may choose not to authorize the use of Title IV funds for these additional expenses, this may lead to remaining charges on their account, which they will then be responsible for paying.

Students can choose to opt out of the authorization process at any time by contacting ’Canes Central at canescentral@miami.edu. If you have questions, please contact ’Canes Central at canescentral.miami.edu to Submit a Case or call (305) 284-IBIS (4247).


The University of Miami Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment communicates with students by email. Students are responsible to monitor their CaneLink account and for checking their email account regularly. If a student misses an important deadline or loses eligibility because they did not resolve an outstanding issue, they cannot hold the Office of Financial Assistance Services at fault.

Estimated Financial Aid Awards

The students’ award may be “ESTIMATED” due to a variety of issues that will require resolution before their financial aid can be disbursed. The student will monitor any outstanding requirements on CaneLink and submit the necessary documentation as soon as possible. The student understands that if they fail to complete the financial aid process their financial aid eligibility may be affected or that they may not be eligible for a variety of funds that they may have received in previous years. Students understand that if the information submitted on their application is conflicting, it will/may change their financial aid award based on new information.

Financial Aid Over-Awards

The total of all aid (loans, scholarships, tuition waivers, etc.) must not exceed the students' total cost of attendance. The student must understand that their eligibility may change if they receive funds from another source that is not included on their initial financial aid award. They must also understand the financial aid office will communicate with the changes and that they are required to review CaneLink frequently to understand how their award may have been affected.

Outside Scholarship

The student must understand that if they receive an outside scholarship or institutional awards/scholarships that their award may be affected. The student will need to submit all information from the scholarship agency to the Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment as soon as they are notified that they will be receiving additional funds. Loans may be adjusted at any point an over-award. A student's total aid cannot exceed the cost of attendance. Any scholarship funding received is included in the students' total aid amount. 

Federal And Institutional Work Study Programs

The student must understand that there are a variety of work study (federal and institutional) positions available on and off campus. It is the student's responsibility to find a suitable employment opportunity that fits their needs, areas of interest and academic schedule. Once they find an employer(s), they understand that they must complete a work study authorization form, I-9 form, W-4 form and a direct deposit authorization before they can begin work. They understand that if Federal Work Study is awarded as part of their financial aid package, the amount indicated is the maximum amount they may earn during the academic year. They also understand that the amount awarded is not a guarantee of employment and that if they apply too late in the hiring season, they may not find a suitable position to take advantage of the work study program.

Summer Enrollment And Disbursement 

Summer aid is processed once the student is enrolled for the summer term. Only Graduate students enrolled at least half-time (3 credits or more) will be eligible to receive federal student loans. Financial aid for summer will disburse during the first week of the term in which the student meets the minimum required enrollment for the aid program. Students who are not enrolled for summer but wish to request Federal Work Study for the summer term must submit a Summer Federal Work Study Appeal on our website. 

Satisfactory Academic Progress

The student understands that in order to be eligible for federal financial aid programs they must initially and continually meet satisfactory academic progress (SAP). University of Miami standards of SAP measure a student‘s academic performance both qualitatively and quantitatively by reviewing the following three areas of performance: completion rate for coursework enrolled, cumulative grade point average earned, and the maximum time frame to complete a degree. They understand that the Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment is responsible for ensuring that they are meeting these minimum standards. The standards of SAP apply for all federal financial assistance programs.

They understand that if they fail to meet the minimum requirements to be eligible for financial aid, they will lose their eligibility at the end of the period of review. They will have the opportunity to appeal the loss of their financial aid; and if the appeal is approved, they will have one semester to improve their GPA and completion rate. They also understand that if their appeal is denied, there is no further recourse to reinstatement of their financial aid at this time. For further information on Satisfactory Academic Progress, please click here.

Withdrawal Or Leave Of Absence 

The student understands that financial aid funds are awarded with the expectation that they will complete the entire period of enrollment. They earn a percentage of funds that are disbursed based on the last day of attendance. If they decide to leave school before the end of the semester or designated period of enrollment, they understand that federal regulations require University of Miami to calculate the percentage and amount of “unearned” financial aid funds that must be returned. If they complete more than 60% of the enrollment period, they will have earned all of their eligibility for that period. They understand that this calculation may require them to repay funds to UM that have already been disbursed or credited to their student account.

Federal Direct Student Loans

The student understands that if they are awarded Federal Loans that they must complete an Entrance Counseling session and Master Promissory Note at http://studentloans.gov. They also understand that they must be enrolled at least half time, be making satisfactory academic progress and meet all regulations that are required of them to receive their loan proceeds. 

Full Ride Scholars

The student understands that if the total amount of their scholarship exceeds the total amount of tuition, fees and books for the calendar year, it is their responsibility to claim that untaxed income on the applicable Federal Tax Return. They understand they must consult a tax advisor regarding their reporting responsibility. They understand that scholarships are not taxable as long as they do not exceed expenses incurred for tuition, fees and books (not including room and board). They are responsible for determining whether the total amount of all scholarships received is greater than the total of their mandatory charges. If they have questions, they will review Publication 970 of the IRS code if they have questions about this tax filing requirement. 

University Withdrawal and Return to Title IV Calculation

Financial aid funds are awarded with the expectation that the student will complete the entire period of enrollment.  A percentage of funds that are disbursed are earned with each day of class attendance. If a financial aid recipient must leave school before the end of the semester or designated period of enrollment, whether an official or unofficial withdrawal, federal regulations require the University of Miami to perform a Return to Title IV calculation to determine the percentage and amount of “unearned” financial aid funds that must be returned to the federal programs. For official withdrawals, the return to Title IV calculation will be completed within 30 days and the designated funds must be returned within 45 days from the date the university determined that the student withdrew. 

Unofficial withdrawal means that the student stopped attending classes or did not complete the withdrawal process outlined by the student’s academic department. Students with all failing grades at the end of the semester are considered to be unofficially withdrawn. The last date of attendance for unofficial withdrawals will be the midpoint of the semester. The University must determine the last date of attendance within 30 days of the end of payment period and return Title IV aid within 45 days from the determined date of withdrawal. There is no return of Non-Title IV aid for unofficial withdrawals. 

The University will be responsible for returning funds to the program(s) and may require the student to repay or owe funds that have already been disbursed or credited to their student account. The amount of aid to be returned is based on formulas established by the U.S. Department of Education. The student will be notified of the outcome of the calculation via e-mail. Title IV funds for graduate students and law students include Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans, and Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loans.

If the student owes financial aid funds back to the University due to the return of the funds, payments and payment arrangements must be made with ‘Canes Central.  A student who completes more than 60% of the enrollment period will have earned all of their federal aid eligibility for that period.

Failure to repay funds due to a federal program may affect future eligibility for financial aid at the University of Miami or any other institution a student may attend after withdrawing. 

Institutional fund eligibility is calculated in proportion to the tuition refund schedule published by the Office of Student Account Services. 
